Client management administrations

We are aware that many corporations develop and utilize a database with information listing client addresses, business results which can be referred and accessed to immediately upon receiving business inquiries. The most efficient utilization of database information, however, should include not only such facts as addresses and business results, but should be able to accomodate intricate information which your sales employees have gathered, and would be of great use if this could be processed as data. In addition to the above, with the introduction of our system, your sales representatives could refer to a visualized site display upon the map by simply listing necessary information.
Examples by business type (Commodities sales businesses, Wholesales, Door-to-door sales, Department store order sales, Real estate businesses, other membership managerial administration businesses.)

Facility management administrations

Businesses dealing in the renting or installation of company commodity, which require periodic replenishing of supplies or inspection, may process such information into data. Necessary calls become timely and effective, as well as pleasant for the client, and will additionally result in cost-efficiency for your business. With the induction of this system developed by our company, processing of data according to item and area upon the map is possible, and your calls may also be mapped out along the most efficient route.
Examples by business type (Rice and grains market businesses, Real estate,Vending machine services, Leasing businesses, Electricity companies, Gas companies, etc.)

Area marketing

In the case of businesses building their own database for client management, for the introduction and marketing of new products; such products can be categorically arranged and processed for search by condition, and prospective clients may then be listed up for greater efficiency in marketing operations.
With the induction of this system developed by our company, processing of data can be visually conducted upon a map according to area, age, interest or occupation, thus effective in the planning of new marketing strategies.

Commodities administrations

In the case of real estate, the use of our system for item filing and for client interaction; conditions put forth by the client can be immediately placed for search and displayed upon the map, making for greater effiency and business image improvement.