Enlarged version
Custom-Made Wholesale
Ehime's wholesales amounted to 3.0153 trillion yen in annual sales for 
1994 . Ehime's wholesale outlets are mainly based in urban areas, and 
purchase most goods from outside the prefecture as well as from foreign 
countries, to resell most of the goods within Ehime. Some local wholesalers. 
also supply raw materials to the local textile and pulp and paper industries. 
To insure smooth delivery and meet customer needs, wholesalers have been 
actively investing in computer systems and the automation of their warehouses.

Enlarged version
Creating Shopping Areas as a Collective Unit in an Urban Environment
In 1994, retail sales grossed 1.5100 trillion yen and is on the increase. 
Retailers try to meet customer needs and provide them with attentive service. 
There are a great variety of specialty stores, department stores and 
supermarkets that cover most of those needs. Larger size shopping centers 
have also opened in urban areas, encouraging the commercial integration of 
restaurants, leisure facilities, sports facilities and others. These shopping 
areas have been created as one collective unit, creating a comfortable urban 
environment, rather than a mere shopping mall.
