Japan's Leading Fruit Producer
Ehime Prefecture has a mild climate with little rain, and geographically, 
has many hills. As a result, fruit cultivation and livestock have been favored 
over rice cultivation in this area. Ehime Prefecture is the leading producer of 
Unsyu mandarines, Iyokan oranges, kiwi fruits and rye in Japan. Ehime is also 
one of the top producers of navel oranges, summer oranges (natsudaidai), 
hassaku, chestnuts and dried shiitake mushrooms. With the help of modern 
agricultural machinery, rice is also grown efficiently. The improvement of 
securing water supplies for agricultural use has given a considerable boost 
to local vegetable and flower producers.
Mountainous Areas Produce the Local Specialty Produce of Ehime
Ehime's many mountainous areas produce kogen yasai (crops cultivated in the 
highlands) such as tomatoes and tea. Reforestration is also under way in these 
regions, with the planting of pine, Japanese cedar and hinoki (Japanese cypress). 
The trees grown in the area are known to produce high quality lumber, often 
used in housing construction. In the highlands, low-cost production system has 
been established for beef and dairy cattle raised locally.

Cultivation of Citrus Fruits
