Home/Foundation/ENGLISH/Ehime's Traditional Industries/Kamaboko (fish paste cake) Products

Enlarged version
Uwajima Kamaboko 
(Uwajima City, Hiromi Town, Mima Town)
Yawatahama Kamaboko 
(Yawatahama City, Honai Town, Mikame Town)

Traditional Tastes Raised by the Uwa Sea
Uwajima's kamaboko (fish paste cake) making has a history dating back 
to 1615, and is said to have begun when historical figure Date Masamune 
was sent to Uwajima, bringing kamaboko making workers along with him 
from Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, and had them teach the local people 
how to make the fish paste cake. The meat of fish such as eso and 
guchi, bountiful catches of the Uwa Sea, are used as the main ingredients. 
The making of Yawatahama kamaboko on the other hand, began in 1890 
(23rd year of the Meiji Era) when Mineji Suzuki related the process from 
Uwajima to the people of the Yawata area. Yawatahama kamaboko made 
in Yawatahama, a base area for trawling with plentiful catches of fish 
which serve as the base ingredient, developed rapidly in an ideal region 
for kamaboko production and has grown to become one of the traditional 
tastes enjoyed all over Japan, along with the Uwajima kamaboko.