Marine Products Industry Enters a New Phase With Focus on Marine Farming 
The combined total of Ehime's marine fisheries and marine farming 
production, amounted to 182,020 tons in 1993, making it one of Japan's 
largest marine products producers. The marine products industry in Ehime 
centers around small fishing trollers and nori (laver) farming in the 
Hiuchi-nada and Iyo-nada Open Seas; and around fishing and marine farming 
in the Uwa Sea. This marine farming includes the raising of yellowtails and 
pearl oysters, of which Ehime is the nation's leading producer. The deep, 
intricate bays provide an ideal environment for marine farming. Besides 
producing large quantities of yellowtail and pearl oyster, flounder, kampachi 
(amberjacks), globefish and hardtail are now also being cultivated by marine 
farming in this area. The Fisheries Experiment Station was founded to help 
promote the fishery industry, by encouraging research of cultivation 
technology, fish breeding programs and the use of biotechnology.

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